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Florida Securities Dealers

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The Definitive Voice of, and Advocate for, Florida Securities Firms and Investment Advisors
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The FSDA represents its members’ interests before the Florida Legislature. The Board of Governors retains lobbyists to advance or to oppose legislation and to keep its members apprised of significant developments throughout the year. The FSDA also encourages its members to contact their legislators, on a grass roots level, with respect to industry issues.

Every year, proposed laws are sponsored and filed by Florida’s legislators with both intended and unintended consequences that affect the securities industry, including increased costs to do business and increased regulatory scrutiny.

The FSDA has developed and maintained positive, productive relationships with key Florida legislators. These relationships have proven vital particularly when last-minute proposals come to the floor for consideration, and legislators do not always have the time to review and consider them. Our liaison efforts allow key legislators to make informed decisions regarding lawmaking in Tallahassee. We have a track record of success in the legislative process, having been a major force in reshaping major legislation for many years. Throughout its history of lobbying and grass roots advocacy, the FSDA has positioned itself to educate legislators on the relevant risks and benefits of proposed legislation.

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6671 W. Indiantown Road,
#50-194 Jupiter, FL 33458